Car Shaking and Check Engine Light on After Oil Change – What Are the Causes?
Why does my car shake when I have an oil change? If you have recently changed the oil in your car, you are most likely expecting it to run a lot better.
Something went wrong during the procedure if you experience increased vibrations while driving.

Most Common Reasons Include:
There’s Too Much Oil
A wobbly engine is one of the most common reasons for adding too much oil to the engine.
When you pump too much oil into your car’s engine, the crankshaft will dip into the oil and generate froth.
Air bubbles prevent the oil from forming a thin layer over the body, causing instability. The engine compartment vibrating more can be felt in the cabin.
If you remove the oil too soon, the old oil may stay within the engine.
When fresh oil is supplied, the oil level exceeds the advised maximum. Make sure the old one has been drained before pouring the new oil.
Sensor Disconnected
It is fairly uncommon for a sensor to be accidentally disconnected during an oil change procedure.
If you forget to connect the sensor, it may be possible to unplug it for cleaning. The engine might vibrate or tremble more than usual due to a variety of reasons.
Incorrect air/fuel ratios or spark plugs can cause instability in your engine.
There Isn’t Enough Oil
The engine vibrates excessively if there is a lack of oil. Misfiring, higher temperatures, and early wear of engine components can all be caused by a lack of oil.
This will make the engine feel more intense. An insufficient amount of oil in the engine can cause various parts of the engine to fail.
Make sure the oil drain bolt and the new oil filter are tightened before putting in fresh engine oil.
Air Filter That Is Clogged
Although it may seem obvious, some individuals fail to remove the air filter packing when replacing it at an oil change service.
There is a chance that this will cause the engine to choke and cause it to vibrate excessively.
The Wrong Oil
Problems in the cabin can be caused by using the wrong oil grade or poor oil after an oil change.
If thinner oil is used than the manufacturer recommends, there will be a shortage of lubrication between the moving components, resulting in rough idling and vibrations.
What to Do If You Experience Jarring Vibrations After Changing Your Oil?
Check the Oil Level
You can park your car on the road if you turn off the engine. Allow 30 minutes or overnight for the oil to settle.
The oil level should be checked with the dipstick after wiping it with a cloth. Take the dipstick out and look at the oil level.
The minimum and maximum recommended oil levels are indicated by the dipstick with a hole or cutout. The dipstick’s oil level should be between the upper and lower levels shown.
The engine should not be started if the level is above the maximum or minimum limit. Before starting the engine, remove excess oil and replenish it if necessary.
Look for Any Sensors That Have Been Detached
If there is an engine light on the dashboard, check the engine bay for any disconnected sensors.
The O2 sensor, the MAP sensor, and the MAF sensor need to be connected correctly. The engine bay is where to look for loose or severed wiring.
Spark Plugs
If the spark plugs are sitting in their slots, that’s a good sign.
If the space between the spark plug tips was previously adjusted, then it should be re-adjusted to eliminate any extra noise in the car.
Is It Possible That a Bad Oil Produces a Vibrate Idle?
It is possible that using the incorrect engine oil grade or any other oil not advised in the owner’s handbook will cause rough idling.
If you use an oil that is too thin or thick for the engine, there will be insufficient lubrication between the moving components.
Wear, friction, high temperatures, and engine instability are some of the things that can result in vibrations.
Can Low Engine Oil Cause Misfire?
A low engine oil level can cause a drop in engine oil pressure, which in turn can cause engine failure.
To change the timing, engines with VVT need enough oil to shift the cam profile, while engines with VTEC need enough oil to do the same.
Misfiring in contemporary engines can be caused by low engine oil levels, which can lead to component damage if not addressed immediately.
Why Does My Engine Shaking?
It is important to keep an eye on the engine for any unusual noises.
There are a variety of reasons that spark plugs can cause inconsistent power delivery, such as worn or damaged engine mounts, engine damage, or even engine failure due to a fault with the engine itself.
Does Low Oil Levels Cause Rough Idle?
Your engine won’t work well if you don’t have enough power or if it is choppy. As the engine ages, some of the oil is burnt, which causes the oil level to decline.
If you drive a car with low oil levels, you can seriously hurt it. You need to check the oil at least once a month.
What Happens When an Engine Runs out of Oil?
lubricating components are needed when your engine oil level is low. The component may clang, bang, and grind if they aren’t well-oiled.
The hammering sound you hear beneath your vehicle can be caused by broken rods.

Oil changes seem to be a simple task, but they can cause a lot of problems if they are done wrong.
If you want to make sure your oil is done correctly and with the correct oil, you should have it changed by a professional technician.

Truck driver by profession, automotive lover by heart. Ricky is the main publisher and editor at sharing his life-long knowledge and experience in the auto industry and truck driving!