How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim?
It’s not so much a cumbersome task to transport 16 foot trim to your destination. The thing is, while transporting this 16 foot trim, will the goods get damaged? Will anybody get hurt? That’s where the challenge(s) lies. As regards such a challenge, we have taken out time to write this article in a bid to give a valuable response to people asking, How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim?
How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim?
In order to transport a 16-foot trim, you have to first and foremost examine the trim. After that, check the areas of your bed to get rid of debris. Next, lower your tailgate. Lastly, fasten and secure your 16-foot trim.
Having said that, let’s delve into the article proper.
16 Foot Trim

The “16 Foot” has to do with the length of the trim, while the trim itself is a kind of board used for several purposes.
When carry masses of small items, to get the job done, all you need do is just a simple netting and fastening — but when it comes to 16-foot trims, it’s completely different. The thing you need to easily, correctly, and safely do it yourself is the right knowledge and guidance.
Let’s know why “safe hauling” is so important.
Why Is Safe Hauling So Important?
We have to properly understand the goal before delving into giving an explanation on how one can achieve that. Hauling the trim might be the goal, but the major goal is transporting it efficiently and safely. For one to successfully carry a 16 foot trim on one’s pickup truck, it indicates that some extra length has been added to the bed of that truck. To say in a different way, driving a truck loaded with trims is like driving a vehicle that’s significantly longer.
Furthermore, some drivers out there don’t have the needed experience to transport this kind of load, so the possibility of them messing up reaches the high side. A driver must inculcate the driving skills required to properly transport the trims. In the act of hauling long materials, one of the common risks involved is “improper settlement” — not being able to arrange the items to settle properly. Imagine having items in the bed of your truck and the moment you get to your destination, you discover that a part of those items has fallen off while you were driving: what will you do in the midst of such a situation? You’ll definitely not be happy.
In addition, it’s quite important to always take the pain to fix, in order to keep dispossession of those items at arm’s length — because such dispossession can lead to fatal accidents.
Things To Know Before Hailing 16-Foot Trim?

Before taking the burden upon yourself to haul 16-foot trims, you must acquire the right set of knowledge. To add to that, it requires some techniques. Before starting your journey, having a 16-foot trim at your truck bed, these are a few imperative things you must put into consideration:
- It’s mandatory that you know the quantity of trim hanging out of your truck. According to the DOT regulations, it’s not allowed for a truck owner to have more than three feet, four inches, and four feet hanging on your truck — whether it’s front, sides, or back.
- If you know that the legal limit will be exceeded, then it’s advised that you make use of a red flag to mark it. Clamp this red flag to the end of the trim.
- To ensure you familiarize yourself with the rules, and even the additional rules, contact the local police: that’s the better thing to do, instead of exposing yourself to getting charged with a fine as a result of going against the law.
Finally, here’s the crux of this article:
How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim?
This is the section of this article where we will disclose the step-by-guide that covers “how to transport 16 foot trim.” We, in a bid to make you understand very well, made each step detailed.
Let’s proceed.
Essential things you must have:
- Larger or short-bed pickup truck
- 20 ft. heavy-duty ratchet straps which are either 2 inches [at least] or wider
- Red flag: clamped
- Then, the 16-foot trim.
Step 1: Examine Your Load
This stands as the very first thing you guys need to do. Normally, it’s probably necessary to leave your tailgate up if your load possesses a weight below 250 lbs. Since you desire to load a 16-foot trim, then it’s most likely that the weight will exceed 250 lbs. For you to transport such, it’s compulsory that you lower the tailgate. This is quite necessary to easily accommodate the length.
The next thing you must do, as stated in a few paragraphs ago, is to check the DOT regulations to ensure you’re doing what’s in line with the law. This is pivotal because there’s nobody who would love to experience the hard work involved in hauling, then end up getting fined by the highway troopers at the midway of your journey.
Step 2: Get Rid Of Debris From Your Bed
Ensure that you can’t find any debris on the bed of your truck — debris that is likely to damage your trim. You need to be aware of the fact that the trims you’re carrying are way more than 16 foot, so your truck bed will experience lots of pressure. Don’t hesitate to ensure a dent-free haul, no matter how “in a hurry” you are.
In addition, put carpeting your truck bed with old cardboards into consideration to give your trim a hospitable bed to sit. When this is done, you will have no need to bother about having your trim harmed by sharp and rough edges. It’d also secure your truck from harm.
Step 3: Lower Your Tailgate
This step, lowering your tailgate, will give the bed of your truck the length needed to accommodate something as long as a 16 foot trim. The importance of carrying this out can’t be overemphasized: to avoid vehicle damage and to ensure uniform weight distribution. To attain the point of easy stacking, you may want to attach a lumber rack.
A lowered and extended tailgate is regarded as the ideal and appropriate bed for 16 foot hauls. Unfortunately, the community has people who take pride in transporting 16-foot trims with carrying out the step [lowering the tailgate]. We, to a large extent, don’t encourage any truck driver to follow that route as it can be detrimental to your entire safety.
Step 4: Fasten And Secure Your Trim
You must ensure you do what it takes to prevent the trims from wobbling or shifting on the bed of your truck every single time your truck comes in contact with a bump. It’s necessary you do this to avoid the risk of being involved in an accident.
For safe settlement, follow these instructions:
- Lay out up to three strong ratchet straps from one side to another across the bed. Preferably, you can lay out one strap on the cab end, middle and tail end each.
- Carefully, place your 16-foot trim on your truck bed.
- Put them together in such a way that you have the largest and heaviest ones at the bottom and the lightest ones on top.
- Ensure that you anchor the entire lot to the bed of your truck.
- Crisscross the ratchets, wrap it around the load, and finally, go ahead and secure the seal by simply tightening it.
- After you’re done securing your load, use a flap clamp to red flag the end of the tailgate — where the end of the trim is.
Boom! You’re assured of transporting 16-foot trim without having the fear of losing them midway.
Final Step: Drive Slow And Carefully
According to an AAA’s study, crashes caused by debris on US roads exceed 200,000. Are you wondering why? Well, it’s simply because numerous vehicle owners neglect the need to properly secure their loads. This has, over time, resulted in over 38,000 injuries and 500 deaths.
Therefore, if you’re a driver who desires to make a difference on the road, then adhere to this instruction: drive carefully with the 16-foot trims. When you see a bump, slow down. When you want to turn, ensure you calculate your turns, because of the extra length the trims have given to your vehicle.
Doing this may, in many ways, sound complex and intimidating — but with the right steps, which we’ve given, and techniques, you can correctly do it yourself.
Another way one can ask the question – How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim? – is “How Do You Haul 16 Foot Trim?”
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can You Haul 16ft Lumber In Pickup? [How Do You Haul 16 Foot Trim?]
Yes. It will be fine to load a 16ft lumber in the bed of your truck with the tailgate down, as long as it’s strapped down good. All lumber yards have the 12 x 12 flags [for free] that they’re supposed to staple on the end of any load that hangs off the back of a truck or trailer.
How Far Can Lumber Hang Out Of Truck?
According to the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Size Regulation law, lumber is allowed to extend 3 feet in front of the vehicle, 4 inches on the side, and 4 feet in the rear.
Do You Need A Red Flag On My Load?
It’s necessary to use two warning red flags or clothes, if the load you’re transporting is wider than two feet.
How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim – Conclusion
The sole purpose of this post is to give a detailed response to the question, How Do You Transport 16 Foot Trim? — giving you a step-by-step guide to assist you in hauling 16-foot trim easily. Now, it’s your turn to put this into practice.
Thanks for reading.

Joe lives and breathes cars and trucks. After many years working in the Auto industry, he decided that it is only right to share his knowledge with the public. As a qualified expert in trucks and cars, he started working for and is the main editor and publisher.