Where Is the Chevy Transmission Control Module Located?

The automatic transmission shift solenoid, also known as the transmission control module, is a part of the system that Chevy uses to manage shift points on automatic transmission engines.

You may need to locate it or even reset it when you need it most. There is a guide on where to find it and how to do it.

There is a Chevy transmission control module on the driver’s side of the engine. It can be mounted on top of the transmission, or in the engine compartment.

You can reset the TCM by pressing the gas pedal until it hits the floor, then turning the key to the “On” position.

Slowly release the gas pedal if you want to turn the key to the “Off” position. Wait for about 2 to 5 minutes and you will be good to go.

You can remove the battery and wait for 30 seconds before connecting it. The transmission control module should be reset.

If you can’t locate your car, take it to a mechanic or consult your owner manual.

Chevy Transmission Control Module

What Is a TCM?

The transmission control module uses signals from sensors and switches to give the right amount of pressure to shift gears. How long each gear is engaged is regulated by this.

It can be found on both automatic and manual transmissions. Some of the sensors that work with the TCM are listed below:

  • Speed sensor
  • Output shaft speed sensor
  • Input shaft speed sensor
  • Throttle position sensor
  • Engine coolant temperature sensor

The TCM can make the best decisions about when to shift gears when it has information about the engine and transmission from these sensors.

Detecting any malfunction in the transmission system is one of the functions of the TCM.

If a problem is found, it will set off a check engine light or send a message to the driver through the car’s instrument panel.

Signs and Symptoms

Several symptoms can indicate the need to reset the TCM. If you experience any of the symptoms, your TCM could malfunction or be completely damaged.

Check Engine Light

The check engine light is a good indicator of something wrong with the car. If the light comes on, it means the TCM has found a problem and needs to be fixed by a mechanic.

You can use the dash to check for error codes in newer vehicles. In older models of the Chevy, you’ll have to use the OBD2 scanner to get the code. The codes are P0700 and P0756.

Erratic Shifting

This symptom can occur in manual transmission vehicles. When the gears are too early or late, it happens.

It can lead to a lot of wear and tear on the engine and transmission. You just have to pay attention to the needle.

If the transmission is not shifting gears correctly, it means it is moving erratically.


The transmission control module regulates the temperature of the transmission fluid The transmission can overheat if it isn’t working right.

If your car starts to smell like burning oil or if the transmission fluid is leaking, you will notice it.

Dragging Clutch

A failing TCM includes a dragging clutch. The automatic transmission uses clutches to disengage the gears.

If they aren’t working properly, it’s usually because the TCM isn’t sending the right signal.

When your car has a hard time shifting gears or makes a grinding noise when you try to shift, you will notice your clutch is malfunctioning.

Delayed Shifting

This symptom happens when it takes a long time for the car to get into drive or reverse mode after the gear selector has been moved.

The transmission isn’t sending the right signal to engage it.

Gears Slipping

When the transmission control module is malfunctioning the gears tend to slip. The TCM can not signal to shift gears properly.

Even if you don’t accelerate your car, you can still see slippage by the RPM needle.

How Can I Identify the Chevy TCM?

Since the location of the TCM varies on different models and years, we are going to give you a description.

The hood, main body, and rear parts of Chevy’s latest generation 4l60-E transmission control are cast aluminum.

There are 30 slots in the input shaft and an electrical inlet on the right side of the transmission.

There are two earthing points for the negative battery terminal and the vehicle’s Chassis on the main body.

The transmission is secured with two studs that protrude from either side. The O-ring seal at the base prevents fluid from entering the system.

There are two holes in the rear part that can be used to attach the output speed sensor to the transmission.


What Is the Cost to Reprogram a Transmission Control Module?

If the reset procedure is done correctly, you can either pay a fee or give a tip if you choose.

Depending on your vehicle’s make and model, it can cost anywhere from $500 to thousands of dollars to replace the TCM.

How To Check a Transmission Control Module?

If you want to check the TCM, you can take it to your local mechanic or dealership, where they will test it with their specialized equipment.

Delayed shifting, gears slipping and many others are some of the symptoms of a failing TCM that you can check for.

Do I Need to Program a TCM?

When a TCM is replaced, it is necessary to reprogram it. The shifting of the gears in your car is controlled by the TCM, and each car has different shifting patterns.

If you have a specific vehicle, the dealership or mechanic will have the equipment and software you need to program it.

What Are The Causes Of Bad Transmission Control Modules?

A power surge is one of the most common causes of a TCM going bad.

If your car’s battery dies and you have to jump-start it or if there’s a power outage, this can happen. Other causes include physical damage and software issues.

Chevy Transmission Control Module


The transmission control module is found on the driver’s side of the engine. It can be in the engine compartment above it.

If the car has any of the common symptoms like a check engine light on, gears slipping, or delayed shifting, you can determine if the TCM needs to be reset.

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