Why Do Dealerships Over Inflate Tires?
Have you ever noticed that your new tires are a little over-inflated? If you’ve ever wondered why, there’s actually a good reason behind this.
Let’s look at why do dealerships over inflate tires?
Why Do Dealerships Over Inflate Tires?
The most common reason why a dealership will over-inflate your tires is to get you on the road as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever had to wait for your car at a dealership, then you know how frustrating it can be.
Dealerships are in the business of making money, so they’re always looking for ways to cut corners and save money. The faster a car can be sold, the more money the dealership makes.
Inflating your tires above the recommended PSI can help them get your car out of the shop quicker, which means more profits for them at the end of the day.
Another reason why dealerships may over-inflate tires is that they don’t have time to check each tire individually with a gauge before they sell it to you. They do this by using an air compressor that’s connected directly to the tire and inflates it until it reaches a certain PSI (usually 35 or 40).
When they’re done with all four tires, they’ll inflate each tire as high as they can without going over 35 PSI before selling it to you.
How To Check For Over-Inflated Tires
If you’re wondering how to check for over-inflated tires, you’re in luck—we have the answer.
The best way to check for over-inflated tires is with a tire pressure gauge. You can find these at any auto parts store, but we’ve also heard that they can be found at gas stations as well.
To use a tire pressure gauge, simply:
- Turn off your car and set the parking brake. This will help ensure that the tires don’t move while you’re checking them.
- Remove the cap from each tire’s valve stem and tighten or loosen it until it stops leaking air into or out of the tire. This will allow you to get an accurate reading from your gauge later on because there won’t be any leaks interfering with your measurements!
- Plug in your pressure gauge into one of those valve stems so that it picks up the exact amount of air pressure inside each tire (or all four at once if you’re using a digital gauge).
Then take note of which number matches up with what part of your vehicle—this will tell you where exactly too much air is going into each one.
Dealership Scams And Why You Need Prescriptions For Your Tires
Dealership Scams and Why You Need Prescriptions for Your Tires
If you’re in the market for new tires, you’ve probably seen a lot of advertisements telling you how important it is to get them from a trusted dealer. But what does that mean? How can you be sure that you’re getting the right deal? And why do we even need prescriptions in the first place?
Well, let’s start with what a prescription is. If you have health insurance, chances are that your doctor has already given you one or more prescriptions—a piece of paper that allows your insurance company to pay for certain medical treatments. This means that when you go to the pharmacy, they will know who pays for your medications and what they cost.
The same concept applies to tires: there is nothing wrong with buying them at Walmart or Costco, but if something goes wrong later on down the road, they won’t cover any of those costs if they weren’t included in the original agreement.
So if you’re going to buy new tires from a dealer instead, make sure they include them in their warranty coverage.
Why Do Mechanics Overfill Tire Pressure?
Mechanics overfill tire pressure for a few reasons, but the most common reason is to avoid underinflation.
Underinflation can cause increased rolling resistance, which means your tires will have to work harder to move your vehicle. This can increase wear and tear on your tires as well as reduce fuel efficiency, which is why many manufacturers recommend that you keep your tire pressure at the recommended level.
Another reason mechanics overfill tire pressure is that they want to make sure that the tires are inflated properly after they’ve been repaired or replaced. If you’ve had a tire repaired or replaced and you don’t check it right away, there’s a chance that some of the air will leak out of it before you get home (or wherever).
This means that when you check the pressure later on, it may already be too low—so unless you want to risk getting stuck with an underinflated spare, it’s best just to add a little extra air from the start.
Finally, some people believe that over-inflating tires makes them last longer—but this isn’t really true! In fact, over-inflating tires can actually lead to premature wear and tear on your rims and wheels. And if those wear down too quickly? You know what that means.
Benefits Of Over Inflating Tires
There are many benefits to over inflating your tires. Some of the most important ones include:
Improved fuel efficiency – You can cut down on your gas bill by up to 5% simply by properly inflating your tires.
Reduced wear and tear on your vehicle – When you have the proper air pressure in your tires, it reduces the amount of friction that occurs between them and the road. This reduces wear and tear on the vehicle’s suspension system and brakes.
Better handling – With properly inflated tires, you’ll have better control over your vehicle’s handling capabilities. This can help reduce accidents and improve fuel efficiency as well.
Why Do Dealerships Over Inflate Tires? – Conclusion
As a recap of the response we gave to the question, Why Do Dealerships Over Inflate Tires?
The most common reason why a dealership will over-inflate your tires is to get you on the road as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever had to wait for your car at a dealership, then you know how frustrating it can be.
Thanks for reading.
Joe lives and breathes cars and trucks. After many years working in the Auto industry, he decided that it is only right to share his knowledge with the public. As a qualified expert in trucks and cars, he started working for Truckile.com and is the main editor and publisher.