Are Jeeps Better Than Trucks In Snow?
As a person who resides in regions that experience snow, it’s good to have a vehicle that can stand the test of such a weather condition. In this article, we will give a tangible response to the question — Are Jeeps Better Than Trucks In Snow? — a question you’re likely to ask during the snow season.
Are Jeeps Better Than Trucks In Snow?
No matter the one you’re driving, one thing you should note is: nothing is good on ice. Either of them will definitely suck on snow; that’s why it’s advised that you use studded tires when driving on snow.
Jeep vs Pickup Trucks? 7 Things To Consider When Choosing
Look for someone who has had Jeep and pickup truck as the vehicles to choose from, and they’ll tell you how difficult choosing can be. For different drivers, these two kinds of vehicles offer numerous features. As most, if not all, vehicles have cons and pros, that’s how they both come with pros and cons.
Let’s take a dive into the features suitable for each type.
Quick overview:
Factor – Winner (Jeeps or Pickups)
- Power & Mileage – Pickup Trucks
- Weight & Height – Pickup Trucks
- Technology & Safety – Both
- Appeal & Renovation – Jeeps
- Entertainment & Comfort – Pickup Trucks
- Offroading Capability – Jeeps
- Reliability & Affordability – Jeeps
Today, it’s quite cumbersome for anyone to choose between the two of them — because of the upgrades, the advance upgrades, for them. Below, we’ve given an in-depth insight into the various aforementioned features — further information about both pickups and Jeeps.
There’s one sure thing: owners of each will beat their chest and boast about the advantage of theirs over the other.
1. Power & Mileage
According to what is said, if you want to save money, in terms of purchasing gas, don’t buy a Jeep. This assertion is the case for most of the Jeeps. And, most Jeeps owners out there are aware of this. In essence, a good number of Jeeps will not be up to the fuel efficiency of the pickup trucks.
There are several fuel-efficient pickup trucks you can buy, one of which is the Ford F150, a truck that comes in at up to 20 mpg combined. Although it’s not always accurate, the Jeep Cherokee is among those vehicles that come with almost the same 20 miles per gallon as the Ford.
If you pick up your device and browse through the forums online niched around Jeeps, you will discover that it’s difficult to get up to 20 miles per gallon out of a Jeep. When it comes to the area of fuel efficiency, there are numerous complaints about Jeeps being gas guzzlers. As for trucks, they are quite ahead of Jeeps in this regard — in other words, pickup trucks typically win.
Even though we focus the light on power, pickup trucks will still have the upper hand — taking the crown. People don’t know Jeeps to be vehicles used for heavy-lifting. Jeeps are regarded as lightweight vehicles because generally, that’s the category they fit into. You can’t load a Jeep as much as you can overload a pickup truck.
2. Weight & Height
The weight of both vehicles — a Jeep or a pickup truck — is a perfect measurement that syncs with the size of the engine. If you are not aware, there’s one thing that affects a pickup truck’s or Jeep’s towing capacity: weight. Let’s look at this example: if you have it in mind to travel using a travel trailer, you have to put into consideration a big factor — the maximum weight which your truck can handle.
Typically, Jeeps are known for how “lightweight” they are. This means, in essence, that they weigh quite less than pickups.
Curb weights attached to different Jeep Models:
Jeep Model – Curb Weight (lbs)
- 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited – 4,100 pounds
- 2009 Jeep Commander Limited – 5,199 pounds
- 2006 Jeep Liberty – 4,033 pounds
- 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 2WD – 4,254 pounds
- 2018 Jeep Gladiator – 4,800 pounds
- 2011 Jeep Patriot – 3,091 pounds
In terms of weight, pickup trucks are known for weighing more than Jeeps.
The reason is — generally, pickup trucks are workhorses which people use to transport heavy loads. Speaking of Jeeps, they don’t weigh much.
Well, the Jeep Gladiator meets up with any pickup truck’s standard, as a workhorse. The Jeep Gladiator comes with a weight of up to 4,800lbs, and based on height, it’s 75inches tall. It has the ability to tow capacities between 3,000 lbs and 6,000 lbs. Those numbers might not be numbers you can tag “exceptional,” but the Jeep Gladiator performs optimally when it’s put to the test — and against competitors.
In addition, completely equipped pickup trucks have more towing capacity and weight. As for the Ford Ranger, it comes in a height of about 71 inches tall. The Ford Ranger, also, comes with a maximum payload capacity of about 7,600 lbs.
3. Technology & Safety
If you’re someone who looks for safety in vehicles you desire to buy, then you should know that the Jeep Wrangler hasn’t been an excellent choice. Several tests have been conducted to prove the “protection” competence of Jeeps, and the results showed that they offer average protection. A downside is, Jeeps are, however, not recommended as family cars. We know that offroading is one of the things Jeep does well in, and aside from that, they’re lightweight and don’t assure you of the utmost protection — because the safety features you’d find in them isn’t up to what family sedan offers.
Because of the fact that the 4×4 community is the target of the vehicle, people who go for them are not in search of an everyday family car that comes with every one of the latest safety technologies. In the latest models of Jeep, there are additional advanced safety features.
4. Appeal & Renovation
The look of the Jeep brand is one thing that stands as “the appeal” it has — keeping it alive. It doesn’t only shows its versatility, but it also can bring its owner that feeling of freedom. When you purchase a pickup truck, there is just so much you can, in terms of aesthetics, do. On the other hand, Jeeps give you all the freedom needed to upgrade and redesign anytime and however you want.
Furthermore, you can totally transform that Jeep of yours into your custom preferences. Making use of modifications and upgrades allows you to style your Jeep in whatever way. Also, this doesn’t leave behind performance upgrades and renovations that include parts to elevate the height of the Jeep, improve offroading capabilities or engine power. You can settle into the traffic unnoticeably when driving a truck, but as for a Jeep, owners get looks of admiration. The reason? Well, it’s basically because of the appeal that’s attached to having a Jeep. People see a Jeep driver as someone who enjoys backtrail, outdoor or camping activities. The Jeep, itself, speaks volumes for you — even though you don’t pick interest in those activities.
5. Entertainment & Comfort
Generally, pickup trucks and Jeeps are made for the purpose of work and outdoor activities. Because of this, it’s normal to think that they don’t come with comfort and entertainment systems. It’s not the case because, in both pickup trucks and Jeeps, infotainment systems are installed similarly. The Jeeps of today come with preinstalled infotainment systems that consist of media players, displays, and a few speakers for entertainment — giving you something you can vibe to, as you drive towards long distances.
In most modern Jeeps, for you to enjoy the infotainment features, you just have to tap [click] a single button with the Uconnect system that is preinstalled. More, it features GPS and media control right from your seat. You’ll also find such technologies in pickup trucks — pickup trucks such as the 2018 Ford F-150. There’s a system you will find in Ford, it’s called Ford’s Sync 3 system. This system, which F-150 features, allows swift connection to popular Apple and Android apps from the touchscreen of the truck.
6. Offroading & On-roading Capabilities
When it comes to offroading, Jeeps remain the vehicles with the crown. To add, they’re also kings of adventure driving. The manufacturers of Jeep produce the various models having 4×4 offroading in mind. Another thing is your “customization” ability: this makes them quite appealing for offroading. Taking out the tops and doors is something you can do with your Jeep. This makes offroading a fun experience. There are Jeep enthusiasts who’d also want to go the length of adding more height to the Jeep, giving it the required capability to withstand hilly areas.
Although it’s not a bad move taking your regular pickup truck offroading, you still should know that you won’t have the same experience with someone offroading using a Jeep. In the offroading world, there are a few trucks available that have the ability to make a mark. Trucks, such as Ram 1500 & Ford F-150, can fight their way through some really rough roads.
7. Affordable & Reliability
Another factor that retains the “KING” status in offroading of Jeep is affordability. Jeeps are not known as affordable vehicles. In this case, affordability is trumped by the Jeeps’ reliability. If you take proper care of a Jeep, it has the potential to last for decades. Compared to the normal pickup trucks out there, Jeeps have a high resale value and are very reliable. As for a pickup truck, it loses its value almost as quickly as a normal car.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do Jeeps Do Well In Snow?
A big yes. a Jeep Wrangler performs well in ice and snow, particularly when it’s switched into four-wheel drive.
Are Jeeps Grand Cherokee Good In The Snow?
Yes, the Jeep Grand Cherokee does an amazing job of being a snow vehicle.
Is A Jeep Better Than A Truck In Snow?
A keep being smaller and assumed the right tires and higher clearance can be more capable. But trucks from the factory can be changed to that way too. Jeeps are lighter = better in extreme snow, etc.
Are Jeeps Better Than Trucks In Snow – Conclusion
As a recap of our response to the question — Are Jeeps Better Than Trucks In Snow? — we said:
No matter the one you’re driving, one thing you should note is: nothing is good on ice. Either of them will definitely suck on snow; that’s why it’s advised that you use studded tires when driving on snow.
Thanks for reading.

Joe lives and breathes cars and trucks. After many years working in the Auto industry, he decided that it is only right to share his knowledge with the public. As a qualified expert in trucks and cars, he started working for and is the main editor and publisher.