Everything You Need to Know About Replacing Intake Manifolds, Manifold Air Pressure Sensors, and Fuel Injectors

Many parts in your vehicle work together in order to ensure your engine gets the right fuel-to-air ratio. One of the most important is your intake manifold, which distributes fuel from the engine’s carburetor to each cylinder. When this part wears out, it can cause several issues, including poor performance and overheat. This component is…

Supercharger Oil

Supercharger Oil Substitute. What is a Better Alternative?

One of the things that need attention after a while is an oil change for a vehicle with a supercharger. Sometimes the dealer-recommended supercharger oils are not always available. Can you tell me if there are any supercharger oil substitutes on the market that you can use? This is the purpose of the article. We…

Squeaking Noise

Squeaking Noise While Driving but Not Brakes Applied – What Is the Reason?

Why do a car’s brakes make a squeaking noise but not apply them? Is it normal for these noises to be normal in the first place? Is there a reason for a squeaking noise while driving, but not brakes applied? Is there a way that they can’t be stopped? If you’re having trouble finding answers…