Is Marathon Gas Good?

Is Marathon Gas Good?

It’s important to vehicle owners that gas is plentiful. Without gas, the vehicle is more of an accessory than a working machine, except for diesel, electric, and hybrid cars. The composition and content of the gas you purchase are important because they could affect your engine more than you think. Marathon gas is a common…

How to Extend the Life of an Engine with Rod Knock?

How to Extend the Life of an Engine with Rod Knock?

There are several rods inside the engine. When the engine rods knock against the crank, it makes a knocking sound. This usually happens when the crank is changing direction. The knocking sound is produced when the barrier is compromised. Can you drive with this knocked-down object? How can you prolong the life of your engine…

How Much Palladium Is in a Catalytic Converter?

How Much Palladium Is in a Catalytic Converter?

Chemicals such as nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide are harmful to the human body and can be harmful to the car’s exhaust system. Toxic substances can be converted into less dangerous substances through chemical reactions inside the catalytic converters. Is it possible that catalytic converters have such ability and are they made of…